Are you considering becoming a single foster parent? Great! In the state of Texas, you do not have to married to become a foster parent, but you do have to be responsible, financially stable, mature, and over the age of 21. Ask yourself these four questions to get a clearer understanding of what you need to become a successful foster parent.
1. Do You Have A Support System? If So, How Strong Is It?
Having a support system is important for giving a foster child sense of belonging, as well as, giving you support when you need it. Fostering a child can become challenging at times, and it is good to have a support system that is willing to help you through these times. If you don’t have a support system, it’s okay, but try to join a support group online. You can receive and give advice through support groups. Can’t find a support group for single foster parents? Feel free to reach out to other single foster parents and create your own support group.
2. Do You Have Enough Patience?
Patience is the key to rearing any child, especially foster children. Many foster children are in need of unconditional love. Will you be the person to give continuously and love them without expecting anything in return? You have to be patient and take things slow for a while. Let the child get comfortable on their own and come to you instead of pushing them away by bombarding them with questions and expectations. Being a foster parent is a learning and growing experience.
3. Are You Ready and Willing to Change Your Expectations?
Foster children come with a variety of issues you may not understand. Keep in mind you need to be accepting of a lot of things at first. You may think a loving home is what a foster child needs, and you may be right, but it will be difficult for the child to adapt for a while. If a foster child has been physically abused, this would be their normal way of life and thinking, and showering them with love and gifts may cause a reaction you weren’t expecting. Some foster children are stubborn, some are not, and some are ready to go to a loving home, but the bottom line is to limit yourself and create reasonable boundaries for yourself so you are not overwhelming yourself or the child.
4. Can You Deal With A Child’s Emotions?
Emotions can be difficult to deal with, especially for a child. Some foster children are angry and can’t explain why. Some foster children have been physical, mentally, sexually, and emotionally abused, and act out as a cry for help. Other foster children are quiet and do not open up to you because they miss their parents and don’t understand what’s happening or why. Are you mentally prepared and able to deal with these situations, sometimes on a daily basis, without taking the child’s remarks personally?
Become a Single Foster Parent
Are you interested in becoming a single foster parent? Here at Texas Family Initiative, we are devoted to the strength of family. We are always improving our services to ensure the foster/adoption experience is the best for both the child and soon-to-be parents. Contact us today to learn more about our vision, mission, and goals. We look forward to hearing from you!