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Oklahoma Foster Parent of the Month – December 2024

By December 17, 2024No Comments

Jordan and Jessica Brown are newer foster parents with TFI, but they have completely emerged themselves into foster care and the goal of reunification. The Browns are adoption-motivated, but the family’s first placement is working towards reunification, and the Browns have honored such and worked to even bridge with the biological family, inviting them to church with them and taking them out to eat and to the park with their son for the day. In recent months, the Browns have opened their home to the biological family, cooking family meals together and fostering a beautiful relationship for them, the child and the biological parents.

Further, they have bridged with another foster family that has placement of siblings to the child placed in their home, supporting the child’s connections to every extent possible. Lastly, the Brown family maintains quality and consistent communication with their worker and their DHS worker and remains in compliance monthly. We are very proud of the Browns and grateful to have them as a part of the TFI family.