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Texas Foster Parent of the Month – July 2024

By July 19, 2024July 22nd, 2024No Comments

The Barto’s have been licensed with TFI since June 7, 2022. Before starting with TFI they fostered with another agency for nine months. During their journey of fostering, they fostered nine children and provided respite for a month for another child. The Barto’s are currently fostering a sibling set, a 15-year-old girl & 11-year-old boy, who they anticipate on adopting in the near future. For each child that was placed in their home the Barto’s had the child’s first name printed in metal. While the child was placed in their home their name would hang on the door of their bedroom. Once the child left the Barto’s would move the name to hang on their hallway wall. To this day the Barto’s have the children’s names hung in order of placement on their wall to cherish the time they were able to help care for a child in need. As a family they do many activities together, some include going to the mall, water park, or zoo, watching movies, having a family game night, and family meals.