KANSAS (Feb. 19, 2024) – TFI Family Services, Inc. (TFI) is pleased to announce it has been awarded the Foster Care Case Management contracts in Catchment Areas 4 and 8 by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF).
The contract runs from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2028, with an optional renewal for four additional 12-month periods. Catchment Areas 4 and 8 are comprised of the following counties: Butler, Greenwood, Elk, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Kingman, Pratt, Barber, Osage, Franklin, Miami, Coffey, Anderson, Linn, Woodson, Allen, Bourbon, Wilson, Neosho, Crawford, Chautauqua, Montgomery, Labette, and Cherokee counties.
TFI currently provides Foster Care Case Management services in these same counties. TFI will continue to work diligently to engage stakeholders, develop effective programming, and serve every child, youth, and family member in their care so that they may realize safety, permanency, and overall well-being.
“TFI is committed to continuing to provide quality services and care to children and families in Areas 4 and 8,” said Senior Vice President of Permanency Services Tabitha Gibson. “Our staff are dedicated and show up daily to make a difference. We are so grateful for the opportunity to continue serving local Kansas communities.”
Over the past several years serving these areas, TFI has seen amazing outcomes for Kansas children and families:
- On average, TFI places more than half of new referrals with relative or non-related kin and maintains almost 50 percent relative placement for all children in care in Areas 4 and 8.
- 90% of youth TFI serve are in family-like settings (which include foster families, relatives and non-related kinship homes).
- While many states are seeing a decrease in siblings being placed together, TFI has seen an increase in youth being placed with at least one sibling, from 73% statewide in FY19 to 80% (area 4) and 75% (area 8). This serves as a protective factor for youth and promotes social-emotional development for youth.
“We are honored to have been selected as a foster care and adoption case management provider by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF). This award recognizes our steadfast commitment to strengthening children and families. We look forward to continuing this important and meaningful work”, said Michael Patrick, TFI President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
In Fiscal Year 2023, TFI served more than 6,227 children in prevention, foster care, adoption, and residential services. TFI is actively recruiting foster families to provide a loving, caring home to children in foster care. Foster parents are essential partners who help TFI deliver quality services and support for children and families. To learn more about how you can make a difference in a child’s life by becoming a foster parent, please call 1-833-7FOSTER or visit www.tfifamily.org.
TFI is a leading child welfare agency providing experience, compassion, quality services, and care. We provide various types of services in the community and have more than 50 years of experience in providing child welfare services, including foster care services, group home care, case management, independent living, psychiatric residential treatment center, behavioral health, adoption services, visitation services, and aftercare services. TFI has more than 1,500 employees providing quality services in five states.