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Kansas Foster Parent of the Month – May 2024

Chad and LaTonya McGathy have four biological children. They have been foster parents for a little more than three years with TFI. Shortly after licensing, they did respite and then decided to long-term place the same child. During the same time, they provided respite for a foster teen girl off and on. For seven months, they worked in partnership to help transition their first long-term placement to reintegration. The home then took in a sibling set, and they were placed with the McGathys for a little over a year until reintegration was achieved for both of them. They have maintained 2 teen long-term placements since and have continued to provide respite for different TFI foster homes/ foster kids in their area. They communicate clearly and work well with foster care and permanency teams. They work together as a couple in assuring all the needs are met for any child placed in their home. The McGathys are always willing to go above and beyond and offer to lend a hand in foster parent support meetings, celebrations, and get-togethers. We are very grateful for their home and for all that they do.