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Oklahoma Foster Parent of the Month – November 2024

By November 15, 2024November 25th, 2024No Comments

Mykelti and Alexis Aebi have been a foster family with TFI for over 3 years. Whether providing temporary or long-term placements, the Aebi family has offered stability to several children who have entered their home, some of whom have successfully reunited with their families.

The Aebis have consistently worked to build and maintain meaningful connections for the children in their care. Currently, they have 5 children placed in their home, including 3 they are in the process of adopting. Their home provides a stable and structured environment with routines to help children find balance, while also fostering a loving and nurturing atmosphere to meet the unique needs of every child who joins their family.

TFI is proud of the Aebi family for their outstanding dedication and is grateful to have them as part of the TFI family.