Regular family meetings can create a better family foster care experience for both foster children and foster parents. As you strengthen your communications and practice working together as a team, you can deepen your love and connection. Here are some tips for getting started.
Meet Regularly
The best way to build a healthy and supportive family is to keep practicing. Thus, scheduling weekly family meetings give you more opportunities to connect with each other on a deeper level, and address issues as they come up.
Encourage Participation
Let each family member know that their presence and voice matter. Give everyone a chance to speak, and make decisions by consensus when possible.
Share Leadership
Rotate responsibility for leading the meeting, recording decisions, and developing the agenda. Of course, adults may need to provide assistance and support, especially for younger children.
Stay Positive
Keep your meetings fun. In addition to serious business, including at least one activity that’s more light-hearted. A family meeting doesn’t have to take place in your home. Feel free to combine it with a weekly visit to your favorite pizza place or a quiet spot at a local park. As always, snacks and drinks may add to the enthusiasm. This can also be an ideal time to go around the room asking people what they’re grateful for or what they like about each other.
Talk With Your Foster Agency
Don’t worry if your family meetings uncover issues that you’re not sure how to deal with. Indeed, your foster agency is a resource.
Agencies such as TFI provide foster parents with training and support so we can work together to meet the needs of families and children. If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent, contact us to learn more.